Future Plan
- To develop Green Library Building.
- To develop Discovery Service for better search and retrieval with minimum efforts.
- To develop Digital Archive for rare Rare and valuable documents.
- To develop Audio-Visual Communication Lab..
- To develop a dedicated Centre for all competitive examinations.
- To develop a dedicated Centre for Research Support Services and Publication.
- Integration of Online Payment System for all fees and fines of Library with existing POS Service.
- Extend the scope of Book-Bank facility to all student.
- Purchase of more e-books and subscribe more e-journals to save space, reduce maintenance cost and facilitate remote access.
- More CCTV cameras will be installed at different service units for better monitoring and enhance user security.
- Plan for insist and to help all the academic departments to start their departmental libraries.
- Creation of database of all types of collections of the Central Library.
- To develop a library network among universities and colleges.